The market square is the historic core and is still the heart of the city. One of the Middle Ages´ most important trade routes between the Rhine and the Elbe ran across the square. Königslutter was awarded the right to hold a market around 1300.
Open Consultation with Dr. Hahnemann
Health is not everything, but everything is nothing without it. You might think that is just a platitude? You might be right, but it is still true. Who would know better than me? Pardon me, I should introduce myself: my name is Samuel Hahnemann, I am a doctor of medicine and, without being immodest, quite an expert, a celebrity almost. At least since my essay, which was published in the “Hufeland journal der practischen Arzneykunde”, which translates to: “Hufeland journal of practical pharmacology”. I did so in the very year I moved to this lovely, little town, in 1796. I work with the concept of only giving extremely diluted doses of medication to my patients so that side effects fail to appear! I believe, I should call this principle “homeopathy”! Furthermore, I had to note that shaking the diluted mixture increases the effectiveness many times over. It’s hardly surprising that people prefer me over all the other quack doctors with their bloodletting and laxative.
By the way, I am the owner of the former monks’ house in front of the municipal church! A pretty, comfortable and all around beneficial house for me and my large family. The entry close to the market place is decorated with splendid pilasters and Roman entablature. As a stranger to the town you might mistake my house for the townhall! This one, however, is the adjacent building at the head of the plaza. Well, maybe my house will turn into the townhall one day after all.
In fact, you have a great view on the colorful hustle of the market place with all its charming houses. Especially on a day like this as today the fair is taking place, which has been held since time immermorial on the day of Peter and Paul. A clever thing to do! Especially back in the day when many pilgrims came here to celebrate the feast day of the cathedral’s patron saints. When the reformation made those pilgrimages stop, however, this tradition was simply maintained.
Oh, the market place of Königslutter, the heart of the city! Hundreds of years ago people already bought and sold things on the market since the town was located directly along the trade route that linked the Rhineland to the Elbland. Both merchants and peasants offered their goods here. The northern gate of the town fortification had always been called cow-, bull- or pig-gate. And all the cattle herded trough the gate, of course, was offered on the market.
Whenever there are so many people in one place, though, there are varmints. That’s why there is the pillory in the middle of the plaza. Back in the time when the plaza wasn’t paved yet, it was positioned higher on the so-called “Lindenberg”. There even used to be executions there… Thank God those times are over! Well, that’s how achievements of civilization are breaking ground. And I am very proud to be a part of it!