Hans Arndt
Welcome, noble ladies and lords, to Hornburg Castle. Bosso of Asseburg is my name. I am the lord of this castle and currently in the service of the noble Bishop of Halberstadt.
This castle is very ancient, its history stretches back to the times of the great Emperor Otto, when the Hungarians were still causing trouble in this country. At first it may have only served as a refuge for the inhabitants of the surrounding area. Later, however, it became a border fortress for the powerful bishops of Halberstadt and was expanded with a palace and a keep.
Well! It has had to withstand many a storm over the centuries. Emperor Henry V conquered it in anger at the betrayal of his Saxon vassals. And when Emperor Frederick Barbarossa was at war with his cousin Henry the Lion, it was destroyed twice. But because of its convenient location, it was always rebuilt. Just a few years ago, I can remember well, in the year of our Lord 1430, the castle was heavily attacked during the war of brothers between the two Dukes of Brunswick and suffered serious damage. To avoid such a thing in the future, my feudal lord ensured that the castle was expanded again a short time later. As everyone can see now, the Hornburg is a truly strong fortress. Just look at the seven corner towers, the keep and three ring walls! Well, it needs quite a few soldiers and valiant artillery to storm this fortress, I guess!
And furthermore at the foot of its hill a veritable village has grown. Yes, recently there has been an effort among the inhabitants of this town to found a brotherhood for spiritual edification, as well as to engage in shooting together. Every year, a competition is held to find out who is the best marksman in the village by shooting at a skillfully crafted bird. In fact, I´m glad about many capable marksmen to defend the castle and the village! So I didn't have to be asked for long to give my blessing to the laudable association. Now everything seems to me very well arranged!
The Hornburg had to prove itself again in the Thirty Years' War. But by this time the age of hilltop castles was over, so that it could be conquered several times by both imperial and Swedish units. The final point was put by the Swedish general Hans Christoph von Königsmarck, who had the castle shot to pieces in 1645, only to raze it after the conquest. It was not until 1922, after the castle area had become private property, that the palace and keep were rebuilt in a replica of the old castle silhouette. Since then Hornburg Castle is a private living area and therefore not open to the public.